Platinum is far more thinly traded than gold or silver. However, it is still a significant investment opportunity for precious metals investors looking to purchase platinum bars and coins. Platinum can be traded on both the New York Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the United States. In addition to purchasing physical platinum, individuals can also invest into platinum ETFs.
US Platinum Pricing
Platinum is priced in US Dollars per troy ounce, and the currency is used as the predominate currency upon which platinum is priced worldwide. The platinum price varies significantly. In the past decade, platinum has traded between $800 and $2000 per ounce. The United States generally sells platinum in Ounce denominations, including 1 ounce and 100 ounce sizes.
The volatility of the platinum price draws investors, who like to invest in platinum in order to profit from the price changes of the metal. Because platinum is primarily produced in South Africa, local labor strikes and changes to mining laws can significantly impact platinum prices.
US Platinum Production
The United States of America is currently the fifth largest produce of gold worldwide, however, more than 70% of the precious metal is produced in South Africa. In America, platinum is often a byproduct of mining for other metals. Investers looking to place money into platinum have the option of an ETF or purchasing physical platinum.
US Platinum Coin Production
Platinum 10-Year High
Platinum's 10-year high of $2,273.00 per ounce was reached in 2008.
Platinum 10-Year Low
Platinum's 10-year low of $763.00 per ounce was reached in 2008.